Daikin Community Forest Restoration Project

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According to environmental problems and lavish use of natural resources which affect the balance of the ecosystem variable climate, as an industrial factory located in Chonburi Thailand, Daikin Group sees its role in returning abundance to the community. The main policy is to conduct business that is environmentally friendly and aiming for zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2030

Daikin is committed to raising awareness of the sustainable restoration of the environment and natural resources. The community reforestation project   has been organized annually in collaboration with the Royal Forest Department to create motivation among employees and people in the community and to raise awareness of the conservation of natural resources and the environment together. The community reforestation project is another project that the Daikin Group has  prioritized for 15 years. We have planted more than 25,322 trees with the community and will continue to uphold this policy to deliver truly fertile forests for future generations.

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